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Patrick Leroux

Award-winning Bilingual Motivational Speaker
& Best-selling Author

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Successful entrepreneur, Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, bestselling author (10 books), and bilingual speaker Patrick Leroux believes that any person or organization has an extraordinary potential for success and RESPONSIBLE for their destiny. He also believes that if a person or an organization wants to achieve superior results, it has to be a better LEADER, take more INITIATIVES, absolutely STEP OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE and dare to do things it never did in order to achieve new RESULTS never achieved before.

Patrick challenges people to re-evaluate their own limitations, real or imagined, to take responsibility for their own lives, and to stop making excuses as to why they are not living-up to their true capacity. Storyteller extraordinaire, Patrick shares his expertise with warmth and amazing simplicity. His incredible energy level, humour and enthusiasm will compel your audience to take action on their goals, instill confidences, and ultimately increase productivity in your organization.

A bilingual speaker, his presentations are renowned to be dynamic, funny, moving, and captivating. In Canada, the United States, Europe, and the Middle East, he has given more than 1,650 presentations to over 250,000 people. He speaks mostly at conferences and sales conventions, helping his participants step out of their comfort zone, realize their full inner potential, achieve the highest level of success in all aspects of their lives and most importantly get better RESULTS THROUGH ACTION.

In 2002, Patrick became the first person in Quebec to have earned the “Certified Speaking Professional” designation. This designation is the highest designation given by the International Federation for Professional Speakers.

In 2015 Patrick was inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame recognizes speakers both for their excellence as professional speakers and for their contribution to the profession. Patrick Leroux became the 30th inductee into the Hall of Fame which was established to recognize outstanding excellence as a professional speaker and dedication to the professional speaking industry by educating others to excel.

Patrick has the magical ability to generate the desire and enthusiasm necessary to create measurable results that will endure long after his presentation.

* Available to present entirely in French, English or a combination of both.
* In-person or virtually.

Topics & Categories
  • Communication
  • Creativity & Innovation
  • Customer Service & Loyalty
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Morale Boosting
  • Motivational Speakers
  • Performance & Productivity
  • Sales & Service
  • Time Management
  • Virtual Presentations

Igniting The Fire Within! (Patrick's most popular keynote)
From comfort to commitment! Strategies for maximizing your potential and optimizing your performance

Why is it that some people are more motivated and experience more success than others? How are they able to achieve exceptional results in all aspects of their life? +

With the help of a fast-moving series of methodologies, ideas and techniques which each person can apply in every area of life and work, this session will allow you to discover the secrets of success and how to get motivated, and stay motivated, for life. This particular session contains the keys to personal effectiveness, maximum achievement and unlimited success. In addition, this session addresses the best ideas for success that have ever been discovered. Through Patrick's interactive, entertaining and practical approach, the participants will learn:

  • That they are 100% responsable for the results they produce in their lives;
  • That winners in the game of life chose to live with passion instead of waiting for their pension;
  • The importance of making continuing education a priority in their lives;
  • That successful people have have goals, losers have excuses
  • A powerful tool to program their brain to abundance: the movie of your future life;
  • That you always attract into your life your dominant thoughts and emotions and that your FEARS are like mental wheelchairs;
  • The importance of our circle of influence and that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with;
  • That in order to succeed today, we need to be different and we need to go from a transactional mode to an memorable experience mode (with our clients and co-workers);

The 10 Secrets of Success in Customer Service
Strategies to turn satisfied customers into loyal customers.

It takes thousands of dollars and months before you find a good customer… and it only takes a few minutes to loose one. Not only you want satisfied customers, more importantly you want loyal customers. What are you doing to create loyalty with your customers? +

In this highly interactive and information rich session, you will learn that:

  • Customer service is not a department ... it’s an attitude;
  • Listen to your customers;
  • You never have a second chance to make a good first impression;
  • Your organization is as good as your worst employee;
  • The customer is always right even when he is wrong;
  • You must provide your customers with a memorable experience if you want to create loyalty and;
  • You should never take your customers for granted. --

The Art of Performance in the New Economy
Strategies to maximise your performance and optimize your  leadership.

Why is it that some people are more motivated and experience more success than others in the new economy? How are they able to achieve exceptional results in all aspects of their lives? +

With the help of a fast-moving series of methodologies, ideas and techniques which each person can apply in every area of life and work, this session will allow you to discover the secrets of performance and how to get motivated, and stay motivated for life. This particular session contains the keys to personal effectiveness, maximum performance and unlimited success. In addition, this session addresses the best ideas on performance that have ever been discovered. Through Patrick’s interactive, entertaining and practical approach, the participants will learn:

  • That they are 100% responsible for the results they produce in their lives;
  • That there is no such a thing as a bad person, but only person at bad places;
  • That in order to earn and perform more in the new economy, they have to learn more (continuing education) and provide more value to their clients;
  • That successful people focus on highly valuable activities and avoid distractions;
  • That in order to succeed today, we need to be different and we need to go from a transactional mode to a memorable experience mode (with our clients and co-workers); and
  • That stepping out of your comfort zone, being committed and taking action are the ultimate keys to success. --

Growing your business, is YOUR business!
Strategies to attract new business and make your income grow.

What business development strategies are used by the top 1% sales people? If you're like most people, you use only two or three business development strategies - and generally the least efficient ones. Would you like to sell more, faster and more easily than ever? +

In this highly stimulating session, you will learn a series of practical, proven strategies that you will be able to adopt in order to make your sales explode and get ahead of your competitors who undercut you.

Here are a few of the lessons you will learn in this captivating, fascinating talk:

  • If you don't have a list, you don’t really have any business;
  • Your best sources of future income stem from your present clients;
  • How to ask for, attract and obtain lots of referrals;
  • Why - and, above all - how to keep in touch with your prospects and your present clients on a regular basis and;
  • Where and how to make the most of your networking activities. --

How to Build Trust and Rapport Instantly
How persuade and influence people faster and easier.

What are the success secrets of the best communicators? How could you earn the trust of an individual in the first few seconds? How do you adapt your communication to the personality style of others? Are you a red, yellow, green or blue? The purpose of this funny and highly interactive session is to make you a better communicator and better persuade and influence people. +

The audience will learn:

  • Why people think and act like they do;
  • The 4 personality styles: Are you red, a yellow, a green or a blue?
  • That you must adapt your communication to the personality styles of others;
  • To discover in the very first minutes the motivations, fears, needs and desires of others;
  • That the best gift you can give others is to listen to them well and fulfill their personal needs and motivations and;
  • That if you want to get some honey (persuade others) you must not to knock over the beehive. --

To inquire about Patrick Leroux's speaking schedule & booking Patrick Leroux, contact us.

What Clients are Saying

Patrick did a great job and it seemed everyone enjoyed his presentation.

–ORAC (Ontario Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association) (2024)


Patrick did a great job and it seemed everyone enjoyed his presentation.

–ORAC (Ontario Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Contractors Association) (2024)

Our summit was fantastic and Patrick… WOW! He was AMAZING, he got a huge standing ovation at the end. Our agents were pumped up and super motivated after his presentation. Our management team were also flabbergasted and talked about him during our post summit dinner. Patrick is a great, great motivator and he is gave lots of great tools. Everyone was taking notes. He made us laugh and think! He gave our organization something to work with and we will all, individually and as a team, definitely have more success.

–Bell Canada

Patrick Leroux is a sensational motivational speaker. His presentation to Canadian Food Inspection Agency staff evoked incredible emotion and passion in all participants. His insurance that all participants commit to action further reinforces the action orientation of his presentation. This speech will force you to reflect on your career and your life and will `Ignite the Fire Within` in order to make positive change. The energy and quality of Patrick Leroux's presentation is a clear rival for the likes of Anthony Robbins.

–Strategic Planning Human Resources Branch Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Our conference was a great success largely due to your participation as our main speaker. Your session, with a provision of both French and English components, was energizing, motivating, entertaining, very informative, very dynamic and excellent!!! It was a pleasure working with you. You sure made things easy for us, and we really appreciated it. Thank you for helping to make our conference a success.

–New Brunswick Public Health Education Days


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