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JJ Brun

Communications & Human Behaviour Specialist | Retired Spy

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Speaker JJ Brun, a retired spy, was trained by the military to operate in hostile environments and elicit buy-in from a wide variety of people. Now a human behaviour and communication specialist, he speaks across North America, showing law enforcement agencies, recruitment professionals, judges, sales people and managers how to read people, how to interpret what people say, how to elicit information and how to get buy-in when presenting ideas. Bilingual - he is also able to present in either English or French.  +

Jean Jacques Joseph Brun or JJ, as he is also known internationally, is a man who is purpose-driven. In 1999, after serving the Canadian Forces (15 years within the Intelligence Branch) he founded JJ Communications Inc., a training company dedicated to inform and enlighten people on the subject of Human Behaviour and effective communication practices. He has seen firsthand the revelation such knowledge can bring to personal and professional relationships.

JJ Communications is founded on the belief that knowledge of Human Behaviour is a skill that should be shared to enrich individuals and organizations.  Anyone looking to better understand themselves and other people will find what they need with JJ.

Speaking to everyone from industry leaders to students, JJ has helped thousands of people learn to relate and communicate more effectively in their own business and personal lives. His years of service within Human Intelligence (HUMINT) of the Canadian Forces Intelligence Branch fostered his interest in how people think and act the way they do. Through JJ’s unique application of the DISC methodology of understanding Human Behaviour and specialized Interview, Debriefing and Elicitation (IDE) training, JJ provides the keys to recognizing what certain behaviour indicates and how to interpret and respond to that information.

JJ draws on his many years of experience in the field of Human Behaviour and intelligence to bring clarity to his keynote presentations, training and  consulting work.  Leaders and decision makers around the globe turn to JJ to get them moving in the right direction, towards more effective communication.

Ensuring communication is clear right from the start, saves immense amounts of time and effort. Learning about the communication needs and styles of other people, learning to recognize them and adapt to them, is the key to being a more effective communicator. This ability is useful from the boardroom to the living-room, from casual conversation to conflict resolution. JJ has committed his life and his business to the principles of Human Behaviour and communication.  That commitment shines through in everything he does.  --

Topics & Categories
  • Business Management & Strategy
  • Communication
  • Human Resources & Workplace Culture
  • Inspiring Stories
  • Leadership
  • Motivational Speakers
  • Negotiating Skills
  • Performance & Productivity
  • Trust & Ethics

JJ Brun's Speaking Presentations:

How to Successfully Navigate Hostile Environments Using the ‘F’ Word +

In this highly interactive session JJ explains how to use the Environmental Hostility Spectrum to successfully navigate difficult conversations by using the ‘F’ word, and no, we don’t mean the four-letter curse word! We’re talking about the ‘F’ word when connecting with people matters. This powerful tool will help you become better equipped to handle any difficult environments or conversations that comes your way. --

Decoding Human Capital
How to Make Sense of the People Puzzle  +

Do you want to achieve better results with your most valuable resource? How about creating an environment of respect, open, honest communication, creativity and getting things done in a challenging economy? Would you like a secret to “out – perform” your competition? JJ Brun as a leading authority on Decoding Human Capital shares tips on how to make sense of the people puzzle. Imagine what you could accomplish when you:

  • learn four key principles to enhance productivity, communication and leadership skills;
  • learn how to adjust your style to connect with the people in business and in your personal life;
  • learn to create an environment that will celebrate people’s differences vs tolerate people’s differences   --

How to Present an Idea and Get Buy-In
Communication Solutions that Drive Business Results   +

Have you ever had a great idea shot down? Discover the way to communicate and gain buy-in when presenting an idea every time you speak. World-class communicator, JJ Brun, shares three secret keys that will equip you to connect with any group, for maximum impact. Imagine what you could accomplish when you:

  • learn why many people fail to be convincing;
  • learn to identify the communication patterns for an individual or group;
  • learn how to present an idea, in four different ways, to ensure buy-in.  --

How to Effectively Read People and Determine their Intentions
From A-clue-istic (one without a clue) to Clued-up!  +

Everybody wants to read people and yet…nobody wants to be read! People exhibit both conscious and unconscious symptoms (clues & cues) that you can read to determine if they are being open and honest or evasive and untruthful. World-class communicator, JJ Brun, shares key insights using proven Decoding Human Capital strategies to effectively read people. Imagine what you could accomplish when you:

  • learn how to decode and assess a person’s model of the world;
  • learn the 4’ings to connecting by design;
  • learn why and how to establish RAPPORT with people.  --

JJ Brun is represented by K&M Productions. For more information, JJ Brun's speaking schedule, fees & booking JJ Brun, contact us.


I work with a number of experts and JJ Brun is in the top of his field. His message resonates with his audiences. They relate to his personal stories, which are loaded with powerful practical strategies that unlock the people puzzle. People leave his sessions with information that they put to use right away. JJ is an expert speaker who I would recommend to any organization.

–Cairncroft Management Ltd.


I work with a number of experts and JJ Brun is in the top of his field. His message resonates with his audiences. They relate to his personal stories, which are loaded with powerful practical strategies that unlock the people puzzle. People leave his sessions with information that they put to use right away. JJ is an expert speaker who I would recommend to any organization.

–Cairncroft Management Ltd.

JJ Brun is simply amazing. He has a unique ability to see through to the true core of what needs to be done and articulate solutions in a clear, direct but easily digestible manner. I leave our sessions with not just volumes of ideas but specific action steps that I know will lead my company to achieve higher levels of success than previously anticipated. It is obvious that he is well versed in understanding the steps necessary to guide individuals and companies to reach their full potential. I highly recommend JJ Brun for organizational keynote presentations, coaching and training.

–President & Founder The Winner's Edge Consulting, Inc.


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