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Dr. Mark DeVolder

Expert on Change, Resiliency & Employee Engagement

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Dr. Mark DeVolder is “The Change Specialist,” an expert in change and transition management with over 20 years of experience guiding global organizations through high-profile transitions:

  • Coaching NASA Space Shuttle scientists to re-invent themselves;
  • Leading healthcare professionals through $40 billion-dollar mergers;
  • Transitioning to a safety-first culture inside a global energy leader

Mark teaches the unique strategy of Empowered Change™, equipping leaders and teams to adapt to disruption and embrace their greatest challenges, trends and opportunities.

Dr. Mark DeVolder is a three-time winner of the Top 10 Speaker Award in Change Management and the author of Perpetual Pivot: How the Best Leaders Adapt to Exponential Change.

Mark is known for highly engaging presentations, contagious energy, on-target customization, strong actionable takeaways and captivating audience interaction. Give your attendees the most inspiring, empowering and engaging experience today with the Change Specialist, Dr. Mark DeVolder.  +

Dr. Mark DeVolder, the CHANGE SPECIALIST, has a vast client list and has spoken in over 25 countries on 5 continents to many of the world’s industry-leading companies. His insights and strategies show leaders in the midst of disruption, HOW to change…

  • coaching NASA rocket scientists to re-invent themselves;
  • guiding healthcare professionals through multi-billion dollar mergers;
  • transitioning to a safety-first culture in the Qatar Oil Industry;
  • preparing Egypt’s largest company to restructure itself.

Mark’s client list is extensive and diverse, covering many sectors including: NASA, Royal Bank of Canada, McDonald’s, Qatar Petroleum, PepsiCo Europe, Verizon, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Kuwait Finance House, Medtronic, Marriott, UT Southwestern Medical Center, FEMSA Mexico, Idaho National Laboratory, Estonian HR Association, Oman Air, GE Digital, Charles Schwab, Siemens, and many more.

Above all, Mark DeVolder is a category of one speaker. Mark knows change. He knows why we fear it and how we get lost within it. And he knows how to help leaders and their teams navigate their way through it. --

Topics & Categories
  • Change | Change Mgmt.
  • Communication
  • Customer Service & Loyalty
  • Difficult People
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Employee Engagement
  • Human Resources & Workplace Culture
  • Impostor Syndrome
  • Leadership
  • Most Requested Speakers
  • Most Requested Virtual Speakers
  • Resiliency
  • Team-Work & Collaboration
  • Trainers
  • Trust & Ethics
  • Virtual Presentations
  • Workplace Safety

Dr. Mark DeVolder Keynote Presentations - Live or Virtual:

Dr. Mark DeVolder has engaged and delighted audiences from Monaco to Dubai, from Singapore to Barcelona and from Istanbul to Kuala Lumpur. He delivers dynamic, high energy presentations in both the private and the public sector to Industry leaders and Fortune 500 companies. DeVolder’s customized programs are a mix of practical tools, rigorous research, collaborative consulting, all punctuated with entertaining humor and engaging audience interaction.

Dr. Mark DeVolder's most requested topic:

Future Proof: Navigating Change with Confidence and Excitement

Imagine a new way to change: unhurried, composed, and confident instead of the usual frenzy, chaos, and uncertainty. The Empowered Change strategy presented in this high-impact keynote equips participants to transform the pace of change and drive sustainable success by providing a clear roadmap for navigating the stages of change.

This program is perfect for leaders and teams in the midst of constant change who are:

  • Going through organizational growth, such as mergers and acquisitions, leadership changes, restructuring, and digital transformation
  • Navigating their team members’ reactions to the volatility, complexity, and ambiguity in their work and life (like frustration, anxiety, confusion, and fear)
  • Feeling unprepared for their evolving roles and responsibilities or unable to change at the rate and pace needed to keep up with ever-increasing changes

After this intensely practical session, the audience will leave with:

  • A Journey-map framework for understanding any change they experience
  • A personal plan for confidently navigating the transitions between each stage of change
  • The skills and mindset for boldly mobilizing through disruptive change to accomplish their objectives

Additional Conference Keynotes:

All Together Now: Creating Dynamic Teams Through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This program is perfect for leaders and teams who are:

  • Unsure how to move past traditional leadership and teamwork models to forge a diverse, unified workforce
  • Struggling to embrace the innovative mindset needed to tackle increasingly complex challenges
  • Experiencing low levels of team engagement, cooperation, and mental well-being

The audience will leave with:

  • A greater appreciation for the differences and similarities in their team members
  • The motivation to shake up the status quo and embrace new methods
  • A framework for cooperatively solving complex problems with creative solutions

Master Your Mind, Master the Chaos: Leadership Secrets for Successfully Navigating Change +

Drawing from more than two decades of working with global industry leaders, Mark distills the secrets of effective change leadership into the five essential mindsets demonstrated by top leaders.

This program is perfect for leaders and managers who are:

  • Leading significant organizational changes that require alignment, buy-in, and engagement.
  • Struggling to keep up with the constant evolution of work, including remote/hybrid work, digital transformations, and new business models.
  • Needing to adapt to, anticipate, and initiate disruption in their industry.

During Mark’s high-octane presentation, your audience will learn how to:

  • Avoid change-paralysis and develop change-ready thinking and behaviors.
  • Overcome decision-quicksand and make smart decisions faster.
  • Develop a leadership mindset for navigating themselves and their team through any change. --

On Fire! Energized Together: Everyone, Every Day +

This keynote empowers the audience to eliminate the mindsets and actions that extinguish motivation and enthusiasm and instead create life-giving opportunities to energize everyone every day.

This program is ideal for anyone in the organization who is:

  • Navigating multiple changes in the organization, some happening simultaneously.
  • Experiencing change saturation because of the pace and rate of constant change.
  • Frustrated and stressed about having to do more with less while contending with unclear direction and communication.

The audience will leave with:

  • Tools for identifying which of their current behaviors build up and tear down engagement.
  • Strategies to increase engagement in four key areas: clarity, competence, influence, and appreciation.
  • A proven plan for igniting every employee’s passion for teamwork, communication, and innovation. --

Unstoppable Resilience: Developing the Mindset of Champions +

Resilience is the quintessential element (aka. secret sauce) behind champions and successful teams. This highly actionable keynote teaches the audience how to instill this mindset into the DNA of their culture and team.

This program is perfect for leaders and teams who are:

  • Responsible for creating unity, well-being, and engagement in their team.
  • Tasked with delivering profitability and high performance during organizational change and disruption.
  • Seeking to create a resilient culture throughout their team and organization.

The audience will leave with:

  • Strategies for increasing elastic thinking, continuous learning, and unstoppable perseverance.
  • The motivation and tools to increase innovation, creativity, and risk-taking in their personal and professional lives.
  • The ability to cultivate a growth mindset of unlimited potential in the face of adversity, stress, and disruption. --

Impostor Syndome: “You’re a FRAUD!" Exposing and Beating Impostor Syndrome +

The business world is full of highly successful men and women. Outwardly they appear poised and confident; and why wouldn’t they be? Their achievements speak for themselves. However, a growing number of professionals are plagued by secret thoughts and nagging doubts that lie beneath the surface; many high-achievers today suffer from impostor syndrome, the belief that they are frauds and do not deserve their own successes.  +

In DeVolder’s breakthrough presentation, he shows people how to cope with, adapt to and beat impostor syndrome. Known as the change specialist, Dr. DeVolder’s multifaceted approach empowers people to take charge of their lives, goals and careers.

You will discover how to:

  • Be mobilized rather than paralyzed by negative self-talk;
  • Adapt and reinvent yourself for business success;
  • Make decisions quickly with DeVolder’s 5 minute Shift-ability model;
  • Receive feedback without a negative downward spiral;
  • Enhance personal resilience through targeted change ready behaviours;
  • Rewire your neural pathways with daily happiness/engagement tips.

Mark DeVolder shows you how to believe in yourself, take control and enjoy the life you deserve. --

Safety Keynote: Sixty to Zero in Your Workplace: Engage High-Performance Safety +

Hazards and obstacles abound in the fast and frenzied pace of business today. In the rush to stay competitive, people are increasingly tempted to take short cuts and sacrifice safety. The most common barrier however is actually change itself. Some employees feel paralyzed by change, and when they feel paralyzed, they disengage. Without the ability or capacity to change, accidents can happen.  +

Mark DeVolder’s proven transition model enables people to accept new practices and let go of the unsafe past. As people become Change Ready their level of engagement rises. DeVolder supports this progression with his easy to apply strategy increase clarity, competence, influence and appreciation.

During Mark's high-performance presentation, you will learn how to:

  • get change-right and change-ready;
  • defy change paralysis through Mark's mobilized for safety approach;
  • significantly reduce risk of accidents and liability;
  • identify behaviours that enhance engagement;
  • implement strategies to increase productivity, motivation and safety

Empower your employees to achieve "target zero." --

Trust: Solid Gold: Create a Foundation of Trust +

Trust is the intangible asset in business today. Yet we live in an increasingly suspicious world. Public trust has been eroded by high-profile scandals involving unethical behaviours, fraudulent investment schemes, covert data collection and phone hacking, to name a few. It is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain customer confidence and loyalty in a transparent world where a small mistake can become a big problem.  +

Mark DeVolder presents a compelling business case for the ways that trust affects the bottom line: a company’s reputation, its ability to collaborate and innovate, attract and engage employees and respond quickly.

At the heart of Mark’s presentation is this maxim: relationships are based on trust and business is based on relationships. You will discover how to:

  • master essential actions that build high-trust;
  • take the right action quickly to correct a misstep;
  • recover trust and regain a client;
  • maintain loyal relationships in business

Unlock the secret of high performing organizations by building sustainable high-trust relationships – no matter what. There’s nothing more important. --

VIRTUAL or On-site Training: Change Management, Resilience & Engagement Training +

Dr. DeVolder’s presentations are customized and crafted to your needs: Virtual Keynotes for conferences, half day or full day retreats onsite, breakout sessions within a conference or upper management/board meetings are different methods of delivering the content.

Training Approach

Mark’s style is a careful balance of content and learning-related activity. He uses content, group participation, individual reflection, jolt activities and stories to deliver what is unquestioningly high-content training. To ensure maximum value, members apply Mark’s strategies to real work situations during the session, setting the team up to begin implementation of the principles immediately.


Mark’s style is a careful balance of content and learning-related activity. He uses content, group participation, individual reflection, jolt activities and stories to deliver what is unquestioningly high-content training. To ensure maximum value, members apply Mark’s strategies to real work situations during the session, setting the team up to begin implementation of the principles immediately. --


Change Management Training +

  • Tools to Manage Change: Understanding your personality, response to change and adaptability is essential to managing change
    Activity: Interactive exercise/individual responses

    Change Saturation: The cumulative effect of too much change/too fast
    The effects of change saturation: individual level, group, organization
    Strategies for success

  • Stages of Transition
    Three stage model: individuals and organizations
    Learning how to respond at each stage
    Organization changes
    Key Leadership Questions
    Resistance to Change
    Rationale for Change

  • Becoming Change Ready
    Taking Responsibility: Personal leadership during change
    Change Ready Profile
    Change Ready Behaviors
    Constructive Non-Conformity
    Future-Proofing Yourself: Beliefs and practices
    Making Smarter Decisions, Faster --

Engagement +

  • Pillars of Engagement:
  • Clarity, Competence, Influence, Appreciation
  • Level of engagement in the organization
  • Identifying behaviors that build up and tear down engagement
  • Strategies to improve engagement
  • Engagement starts with you --

Resilience +

  • The Continuum of Resilience
  • Increasing Personal Resilience
  • The Success Factor: Sustainability during change
  • Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset
  • Strategies to Increase Personal Resilience --

 To inquire about booking speaker Dr. Mark DeVolder, contact us

What Clients are Saying

Great presentation Dr. DeVolder! Thank you for your commitment to understanding our industry.

–Catie Muccigrosso, Vice President, RGA


Great presentation Dr. DeVolder! Thank you for your commitment to understanding our industry.

–Catie Muccigrosso, Vice President, RGA

Mark, you were nothing short of awesome!!! Your advice is priceless and yes we'd love to have you back to speak to PepsiCo. Thank you so much for a wonderful experience!

–Chief Personnel Officer, PepsiCo Europe

We all left with a better grip on our own humanity and tools to soar higher.

–NASA, Spaceport Operations, Florida

Mark DeVolder receives my highest praise!

–Royal Mounted Canadian Police, Headquarters

Absolute best presentation of the leadership conference!

–Riverside Medical Conference, Virginia, USA

Nearly a month after the conference, my colleagues are still talking about Mark's presentations.

–Conference Organizer, California Dental Association

Thanks for a great presentation at our conference. We greatly appreciated your participation and it was a pleasure to meet and hear you speak. We have had nothing but excellent feedback and appreciate the significant contribution that you made to making our event a success.

–ACG Edmonton

Thank you again for an engaging, entertaining, empowering presentation.  I believe we all left with a better grip on our own humanity and tools to soar higher.

–Spaceport Operations, Space Florida

Thought-provoking and dynamic. Moving and powerful. Remarkable energy. Mark was inspiring and kept the audience charged.


You gave us more to think about than any speaker in the past regarding navigating change and transition.

–Motion Industries, Fortune 500 Company

Dr. DeVolder's presentation was so timely, informative and well delivered!

–AIG Financial Group

It's rare that a professional speaker can hold the attention of a crowd and bring people to their feet and Mark you did just that!

–Sales & Marketing Associated Grocers

You delivered an outstanding presentation and greatly impressed the audience.

–Insurance Executives' Conference in Jamaica, MDRT related group

Mark's efforts to customize his material to our audience were appreciated and proved very successful!



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